Price: $28.00 - $0.78
(as of Feb 15, 2025 09:34:11 UTC – Details)
At 3M, we are experts in helping keep your environment safe in a changing world. We develop our personal protective equipment (PPE) and other safety solutions based on decades of industry experience and a deep knowledge of industry standards, and extend our innovation to help keep your facilities, roads, and communities just as safe.
Date First Available : January 21, 2025
Manufacturer : 3M
3M Particulate Respirator Lightweight with Cushioning Nose Foam
$28.00 Original price was: $28.00.$0.78Current price is: $0.78.
Reviews (11)
11 reviews for 3M Particulate Respirator Lightweight with Cushioning Nose Foam
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JP –
Best and most comfortable N95’s I’ve ever used
Summary: The best N95’s I’ve seen. They’re my mask of choice now, and I’ve bought them multiple times.First, these are the most comfortable N95’s I’ve ever used – they have a metal strip that you bend to keep the nose shape, but there is a foam strip on the inside that keeps it comfortable, and it doesn’t shift and rub your nose like other masks do.It’s also pretty easy to breathe. If you’re getting any N95, it’s not going to be the easiest breathing experience because they’re filtering the air you’re breathing better than other types of masks. Again, among N95’s, this is the best I’ve ever seen.Responses to other comments:* Reviews about straps not being stretchy – When they come out of the package, you have to slowly stretch them out yourself; it’s as designed, and it takes no more than 60 seconds. The straps fit snugly, but they don’t hurt.* Reviews about straps breaking – I’ve bought these two times and have had 2 straps break, but I didn’t mind it. Because these are so good, I was able to keep using the mask the rest of the day because the remaining strap is snug and well-placed on the mask.* Reviews about these being counterfeit – None of the ones I’ve bought were counterfeit. There’s a code on each package that you can type into a 3M website to verify that your package is the real deal. That also prevents counterfeiters from re-using your unique code on counterfeit products.
Customer Review –
Never caught respiratory illness while wearing these during my pandemic clinicals
X-ray tech here. Did my clincals during the pandemic when n95 masks were harder to get. I had stocked up on these early on, and didn’t trust the Kn95 masks the hospital provided. Some were not to spec and people got sick. There just weren’t enough n95’s for them to provide at the time, and the Kn95s had to do, despite their sometimes questionable sourcing.I never caught covid/flu/head colds while doing my clincals. I wore these like a second face. I was taking x-rays of all kinds of positive testing people. All kinds of airborne and droplet precautioned rooms. All kinds of people actively coughing in my face while I was trying to get a board placed behind them (I also wore eye protection for the coughing in my face part.)Things are much better, and n95’s are easier to get. The hospital will now only allow their provided n95s to be worn for safety reasons, but I still buy and wear these masks while in crowded high traffic places during cold and flu season, or during covid spikes. (Like at the crowed grocery store, or during holiday shopping)If these are helping to block tiny cold bugs for me, then these will block small dust and debris particles for sure. Wear these with confidence. Just make sure they form a tight seal on your face, and sadly no beards (breaks the seal and lets it all in.)The rubber straps on these seem older. They are harder to stretch to put on, and can break more easily if pulled to fast or just a little too far past my head. So that’s been an issue with these.Also, these are n95s, they are not easy to breathe in while working hard, and they are tightly sealed to the face which will leave pressure marks at the end of a shift. Worth it.These are actually a life saver for me. My lungs can’t handle illness, and with these masks they didn’t really have to. I watched coworkers/classmates go down hard with illnesses, and I never had to miss a day. These definitely will block sawdust and drywall dust.
Patrick Moore LMT BA –
Ordered “Standard” received “Smaller Size.”
These are excellent masks. Just uncomfortable and poor fit because too small for my face. I didn’t need them right away, I purchased them for a “what if” situation. Now I have a cold and don’t want to infect my wife, just found out yesterday they are too small so I missed the return window. I am making them work until I can get the larger ones.these smaller ones would be great for a person aged 9 – 12 or a smaller adult.
Kathlyn –
easy to use, trusted brand
Our family has used these 3M N95s to help protect us from indoor airborne viruses for the past few years, especially during winter months when we’re in stores or other public places. I received our latest shipment from Amazon this week.However, there were a couple of oddities with these 2 boxes of the 3M masks. Previously, all boxes were labeled as made in the USA. These were made in Viet Nam. Also, there were iridescent tapes over the edge flaps of the boxes, supposedly for security since they had instructions for what the colors should look like. On both boxes, the tapes were broken open. One box contained 21 masks instead of 20. Otherwise, the masks appear to be identical to our older ones. Just thought it was curious and that I’d mention it.
I hate scammers –
I have a tiny head and they are tight even when pre-stretched and worn- bought 4x now
Makes a great seal. I wear with a black cloth mask over top so I look like a ninja instead of a sander/spray painter. I have to wear a hat to cover the 4 straps that wrap around my head from both masks. N95 yellow straps are ugly + pull hard squishing cheeks/ eye bags up so we look very puffy, my hair goes crazy knotted. I hide under a hat. This mask makes an amazing seal. I tried out by walking into smelly bathroom with it on and couldn’t even tell. Ain’t no germs gettin at me! Not even the stink gets at me!PROS&CONS:CONS: quite tight, Makes it very hard to candle shop or buy a good smelling fabric softener, rough on 3’ long hair if you have cut it in over four years, the straps break of you’re not careful or after few days of usePROS: saves your life, saves the lives of others, you can’t smell stank at all, now that ridiculously long hairs cit it fit fine on your head, feel safe while out there, if Ebola come around, you know you good with this!*updated, purchased 4x and always good – haven’t ever caught Covid
SocJan –
Classic 3M respirators N95, the best and most effective.Not beautiful or fashionable, but they got me throughthe worst COVID years nicely. I now wish ALWAYS tohave a supply on hand. The ones I had in 2020 weremore than eight years old, but they worked! Even therubber headbands held up very well. These are identicalto the ones I had in 2020.
David –
RESUMEN: En pocas palabras, al menos los vendidos y enviados por amazon si son originales. Son incómodas a comparación de las kn95, estas de 3m son si quieres tener una máscara mas segura, lo que depende de tu día a día. Si tomara transporte público o vuelos en avión, también preferiría estas, y también las uso para el cine ya que nadie respeta el uso de mascarillas. Para todo lo demás uso kn95 o quirúrgicas, pues las kn95 son muy buenas máscaras. La diferencia con estas es la certificación, mientras las kn95 solo regula la filtración de partículas, las que tienen certificación NIOSH, regula tanto la filtración como el sello que hacen en tu cara. Es decir, aseguran que no importa si te mueves, agachas, etc etc, siempre hay un sello alrededor de tu cara para filtrar todas las particulas que entren.Por cierto, para los que USAMOS LENTES son una maravilla ya que al tener un puente de metal rígido con el que cierras y sellas bien la mascara con tu piel, no tengo problemas de que se empañen. Eso si, por el puente de metal los lentes como que “se suben” un poquito entonces luego hay que jugarle para acomodarlos bien, pero adios al no ver por estar empañados jajaja.OPINIÓN:Me imagino que lo que la mayoría quiere saber es si de verdad son originales. En mi caso lo fueron, los compre vendidos y enviados por Amazon lo que me dió mas confianza. Además, este producto trae una cosa que se llama SAFEGUARD de 3m, básicamente si le pones “safeguard 3m” en google te va a llevar a una página donde vas a ponerle unos números que traen en la caja, lo que te dirá si coinciden con el inventario de 3m para asegurarte que son originales. Además, el número de lote de la caja debe coincidir con el número de lote estampado en los cubrebocas.Para beneficio de todos, si compras estos cubrebocas, pon estos números en la página de 3m porque de esta manera quedan registrados, y si alguien estuviera falsificando las cajas, entonces al tener números repetidos, te estaría avisando que puede ser un producto falso, así que entre mas números se registren menor probabilidad de que nos toquen falsificaciones.Aún así, porque #ansiedad, les escribí a los de 3m porque la caja llega sin sello holográfico, el cual he visto pero en las cajas de estados unidos, así que escribí para preguntar, mande fotos de la caja y el producto y me respondieron que lo revisaron y que todo se ve en orden. Sobre el sello quizá sea por el país ya que yo he comprado otras mascarillas n95 en home depot y tampoco vienen selladas.Ahora, sobre la comodidad y eso, en definitiva estos cubrebocas aprietan MUCHO PERO MUCHO mas que otros, esto es porque la certificación que manejan es la NIOSH, esta certificación también revisa el AJUSTE del cubrebocas, a diferencia de la certificación china (como los kn95) que solo revisa la filtración de particulas pero no el ajuste. La NIOSH revisa tanto ajuste como filtración.El motivo de que aprieten un buen, es porque, si has visto gente con sus KN95 y se ve que no está completamente pegado a la piel o se hacen pliegues como cuando usas quirúrgicos, pues por ahí estas tanto esparciendo la enfermedad (si estás contagiado) así como por ahí esta entrando aire sin ser filtrado, por eso es que estos cubrebocas son muchisimo mas apretados. Se pueden volver molestos, en definitiva que si, pero creo que son mas seguros en especial si vas a estar tiempos prolongados en espacios cerrados, no los recomendaría para el uso diario, a menos que tu uso diario sea estar encerrado en alguna oficina sin mucha ventilación. Pero puede que te haga marquitas en el puente de la nariz, lo que puedes mejorar un poco usando cinta microporo, no puedes poner algo muy grueso porque entonces puedes alterar el sello que hace el cubrebocas con tu cara, pero con un poco de microporo si mejora la fricción en el puente de la nariz.Los elásticos: Si has comprado las n95 8511 de 3m también, los elásticos son completamente diferente, ya que esos son mas bien como un resorte, pero estas si son un tipo de banda elástica, al principio vas a sentir como que “afloja” muchísimo, pero no pasa nada, si mantienen su elasticidad, o al menos hasta ahora he usado 3 máscaras de este paquete y no he tenido problemas con esto, además de que soy muuuuuy cabezon.Eso si, dicen que normalmente al menos 1 mascarilla va a fallar su elástico, ya que parece que su diseño en donde se pega con la mascarilla no es tan bueno (dicen), hasta ahora no he tenido ese problema pero aún faltan 17 mascarillas mas, actualizaré este review si tengo ese problema. De todas maneras siempre llevo una kn95 extra, porque uno nunca sabe cuando necesita una más :v
Diptanjan Chakraborty –
I am buying this for the 4th time now . First 3 purchases were original and it was 2000 odd rupees per mask . When the prices got lowered last month I thought maybe they have reduced it with a dilemma in mind whether they will procure originals imported from Korea or not . To my surprise the two boxes in this purchase were fake . The mask is fake . The headloop is made of cotton where the original 8210 will have elastic rubber bands . Original 3M doesn’t manufacture cotton banda all over the world . I am an airline pilot and I have used many 8210 in the past. I can clearly distinguish between the real and the fake ones . The nosepad is made of bad cushion . The mask cloth is weak and non woven . The cloth is welded into the mask . This is a cheap copy ! The boxes came tampered !! UNDERSTAND ONE THING . THIS PRODUCT HAS SURELY BEEN TAMPERED BY SOMEONE OUTSIDE AMAZONG DURING DELIVERY OR SOMTHING. I HAVE BOUGHT MASKS FROM THE SAME LINK AND REVEIVED ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC 3m 8210 in last 3 purchases . This us highly concerning for me during covid . People are cheating around . I am attaching a mask photo of this cheap and fake Masks as well as the original mask . Decide for yourself.
María Luisa –
Son originales si son Vendidos y Enviados por Amazon México o Amazon Estados Unidos.He comprado mascarillas 3M y este si es original de fabrica. Tenía otro modelo que era de metal duro para la nariz, pero este modelo es mejor ya que no lastima la nariz, por la esponja que tiene.Desde que comenzó la pandemia he usado este producto y llevo todo este tiempo sin enfermarme, ya que he ido con esta mascarilla a cualquier lado que salgo, sea ir a lugares cerrados como un hospital o tiendas para hacer las compras e incluso en el transporte público, dónde hay afluencia de personas.
Suresh Stephen –
Was a little surprised that the product arrived opened and with a small tag as a “seal” very similar to what you would get when you buy a loaf of bread. The quality of the product however is good… but in these time of covid, having a mask that may be contaminated- is not acceptable.
IF2006 –
Las mascarillas son excelentes e impiden el paso de particulas, en lo personal son muy efectivas.