Price: $13.99 - $11.89
(as of Feb 16, 2025 16:53:00 UTC – Details)
Product Description
PORTABLE PROTECTION – Keep your essential items clean and sanitized at home or on the go by utilizing patented pop-up technology and powerful UV-C LED sanitizing; after using the phone sanitizer, conveniently collapse flat to transport
REVOLUTIONARY UV-C TECHNOLOGY – With 2 UV-C LED’s at 70 cycles per charge, completely surround your phone for optimal sanitizing in just 30 seconds per side. The small storage bag’s lighting position ensures maximum coverage and effectiveness
SAFE SANITIZING – Free of mercury and chemicals with an advanced safety lock to prevent UV exposure; sanitize and disinfect both sides of your item in just 1 minute with rechargeable LED’s that last for thousands of uses; safe to use around children and pets
WASH THE UNWASHABLE – The portable sterilizer is designed to fit many essentials; use as a makeup bag, for jewelry, eyeglasses, keys, credit cards, and more; no chemicals, wipes, or waste
WHAT’S IN THE BOX- (1) HoMedics UV-Clean Portable Phone Sanitizer, (1) 1-yr warranty
Customers say
Customers find the cell phone case easy to use and effective for sanitizing phones, keys, and other small items. They mention it disinfects phones in less than a minute per side. However, some customers have reported issues with functionality and battery life. There are mixed opinions on value for money, charge speed, size, and durability.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Lionel Hutz attorney-at-law –
Absolutely AWESOME – not for sanitizing phones, FOR FLUORESCENT MINERALS!!
An absolutely FANTASTIC and INCREDIBLY cheap source ($5!!) of clean (low visible light output contamination) UVC light for a variety of purposes beyond sterilization of surfaces, most interestingly for the excitation of fluorescent minerals (see the three attached images – first image with manganocalcite, terlingua calcite, and willemite under normal visible light, then in fluorescing in darkness under the UVC from the Homedics sterilizer, then only the willemite and terlingua calcite phosphorescence in total darkness immediately after the UVC is switched off).Most shortwave UV lights for this purpose cost 10-20 times as much as this device (they must have made thousands of these things in anticipation of high demand during COVID, but now that practically no one cares about that anymore they’re clearly trying to dump them here at any cost – so if you’re an amateur scientist, their loss is your gain!). Of course, the device has to be modified to defeat the safety interlock and allow it to be turned on while open – this is easy with any magnet (ALWAYS WEAR POLYCARBONATE GOGGLE UV EYE PROTECTION WHILE USING THE MODIFIED DEVICE!). It has two LED emitters which produce around 50 milliwatts of UVC light total at 280 nanometers (10 nanometers FWHM bandwidth of the peak) right on the edge of the UVB range, and VERY little visible light emission. Don’t expect it to be a bright source of light like a flashlight, it’s very evenly diffuse, NOT very bright, and will only work to induce visible fluorescence of minerals in darkness, but it does work!Incidentally, the 280nm peak of UV emission (I personally measured it on a professional laboratory spectrometer) is WELL within the area of the germicidal effectiveness curve, even though it is some 25nm away from the typical mercury vapor lamp emission line at 255nm, and is definitely sterilizing surfaces exposed to its radiation very quickly. The device is well constructed, runs for 30 seconds after every power button press, can be reactivated again immediately, and recharges easily.HIGHLY recommended for the UV enthusiast and amateur scientist into fluorescence photography (the light output can be even further cleaned with ZWB filters). And at only about 5 bucks, what do you have to lose??
Shogun1819 –
Easy to use.
Very compact and easy to use. Unsure as to durability. No way to check performance or results, so can’t comment.
Chris P –
As advertised – great product
Either I wasn’t paying attention or a “little” nebulous on the setup. Nothing a few minutes did not resolve. Make sure to pull on the lid (it’s not obvious that it’s collapsed), push power button which flashes about 30 seconds for the cycle then turns off, charge port is concealed next to the power button, flip the phone to do both sides. EnSURE the “piece “ on end of zipper magnetically connects when closed or the unit will not operate. Apparently safety switch mechanism to protect the idiots from hurting themselves – nice feature.
CoopDaFrog –
So far so good 😊
Product was easy to use, instructions were well written and easy to understand and follow. Once the device is charged, you simply place your phone in the device, and zip it closed. Be sure to connect the zipper to the magnet at the edge of the closure and to pull the pop up part all the way up; then press the button to turn it on. I placed my phone in the device with a video running and was able to capture blue light shining within the device for the advertised 30 seconds. Without a germ testing kit, I can’t speak to the efficacy of the light, but it appears to do as it claims. All in all, a little pricey, but if the light really does what it says it does, it’s well worth it.
Kayla –
Stopped Working – Thinks It’s Open
Bought my sanitizer in October and it’s been acting up the past couple of weeks.The device has to be closed to work (fully zipped with the zipper on the magnet). Unfortunately, mine thinks it’s open, so when I try to start it up it just flashes red. I re-zipped it, charged it, pressed the power button umpteen times—which usually does the trick—but it’s still not working so I think it’s finally done. So I got 8 months out of it. I’m kinda irritated it stopped working, but I paid less than $9 for it so 🫤🤷🏽♀️ I guess?
Scooley –
Does it really work?? -NO
Updating my review:It stopped working after a WEEK. Just flashes red like the zipper isn’t closed. Funny thing is it works when it is collapsed but not when it is popped out. Very disappointed, I should have listened to all the other reviews. Electrical issues, it’s a bad product unfortunately.Amazon was good to work with in the return though.Original Review:You ask yourself 1 question. Does it really work?NO CLUEYou mainly just need to trust in the product and worst case scenario it won’t leave your phone in a worse condition.I tried to get creative so I used the camera on my phone to record the cleaning and confirmed the UV light did come ON. I researched a lot about UV light and I believe that it should work.I work in Desktop Support and am constantly touching other peoples computers. I would get sick quite all the time, but now having this I’m hoping that it changes all of that. I would wash my hands and use hand sanitizer all the time, but my phone was rarely cleaned and I would constantly use it. If this works it’s a game changer!Stay healthy everyone!
Bonnie –
Works consistently if used correctly
I read a lot of bad reviews that it did not power up, powered off, etc. I did not have that experience as long as it was charged for several hours at first and occasionally thereafter. Also must ensure that the zipper is closed all the way to the end and the tab is pressed into the magnet. Does it kill bacteria and viruses? Who knows? Can’t grow things out in a Petrie dish like they do on the Phone Soap ad sales videos at home so you just have to trust that the UV light is doing what it is supposed to do–sanitize. I have had this for about 2 months or so and use it to sanitize face masks, my phone, my glasses mostly.
Karen Foley –
Ordered and received the same day. Looks great, I’m sure my son will love it
emma –
Se trata de un desinfectador de objetos con tecnología Led UV-C de la prestigiosa marca Homedics.Tiene un diseño muy original, estéticamente es bonito y práctico, con una superficie fácil de limpiar y además es plegable, con lo que podemos llevarlo incluso en el bolso o en una maleta si vamos de viaje, ya que es muy ligero de peso y no ocupa casi nada de espacio.Respecto a su funcionamiento, es inalámbrico, se carga mediante un cable usb incluido, tan solo necesitaremos un adaptador de corriente como los que usamos para móviles y tabletas.El dispositivo funciona de manera muy sencilla, simplemente lo desplegamos, abrimos su cremallera, e introducimos en el interior el objeto que queremos desinfectar. Cerramos bien la cremallera, pulsamos el botón de inicio y veremos que la lud led parpadeará en azul. Cuando pase 1 minuto, la luz se apagará, señal de que el objeto ya esta desinfectado y ya podemos extraerlo con total tranquilidad.Aunque en principio pone que es para desinfectar móviles, en las instrucciones ya nos indican que también sirve para otros objetos, yo de hecho lo estoy usando para todo tipo de cosas que uso a diario: gafas, llaves, mascarillas, relojes, portamonedas y por supuesto, también el móvil, os aseguro que vale para todo esto y más, caben hasta las gafas, cosa que no ocurre con otros muchos desinfectadores portátiles.Respecto a la seguridad de su uso, no hay que temer por los posibles efectos nocivos de la luz UV-C, pues este estuche cuenta con cierre de seguridad en la cremallera, y si el tirador de la cremallera no está situado magnéticamente en la posición de encendido, el aparato no se pone en marcha y la luz led parpadea en rojo para avisarnos.En cuanto a la duración de la batería, esta muy bien puesto que podremos usarlo hasta 70 veces anntes de necesitar cargarlo de nuevo.El unico aspecto que me resulta raro y al que me cuesta adaptarme es al hecho de que los botones parecen estar en la base del aparato, pues la cremallera esta en el lado contrario y una vez lo cierras tienes que girarlo para pulsar el botón y ver cuando termina el proceso de desinfección, pero como ya digo, no lo considero como algo negativo, es una simple cuestión de acostumbrarse a usarlo de esta manera.En definitiva, me ha gustado este desinfectador de objetos porque es muy ligero, no es nada aparatoso, externamente es bonito y es sencillo de limpiar y además es muy seguro, por lo que considero que es un buen producto.Ciertamente, no puedo saber seguro si es efectivo o no, espero que si lo sea y confío en una marca como Homedics, que siempre me ha dado buenos resultados, y ahora con el tema de los virus, pienso que no está de más aportar a nuestras rutinas diarias un extra de higiene y desinfección para estar más seguros y proteger la salud de nuestra familia.
Mr. Robot –
Credo che al giorno d’oggi tutti dovrebbero avere un dispositivo di sterilizzazione portatile.Questo é molto comodo, di buona qualità ed é abbastanza piccolo da portarlo in giro ma, al tempo stesso, abbastanza grande da contenere occhiali, chiavi e soprattutto smartphone.Ho letto di qualcuno che aveva problemi con un telefono grande: io ho un OnePlus 6 da 6.3″ circa e non ho assolutamente alcun problema! Ci entra perfettamente.La zip credo sia l’unico punto “debole”: ha un piccolo magnete che si attacca, una volta chiuso” al piccolo sensore che permette l’avvio della sterilizzazione. Il problema potrebbe essere proprio questo: se poi non si attacca più dopo tot tempo? Bisognerà trovare una soluzione e farlo tenere fermo ma questo rende meno sicuro l’apparecchio che dev’essere perfettamente chiuso.Se non si attacca quel piccolo magnete tutto il processo non parte, il led lampeggerà sempre di rosso.Una volta collegato il piccolo magnete vicino al sensore (é indicato nella descrizione ma lo mostro anche nel video che ho caricato) si può partire con il processo di sterilizzazione che dura circa 30 secondi. Ovviamente se é un telefono dovrete farlo per entrambi i lati quindi in poco più di un minuto avrete fatto.Si può fare con qualsiasi cosa a patto che ci entri: occhiali, chiavi ecc… Pensavo fosse più piccolo ma, come scritto nel libretto, bisogna spingere il fondo per allargarlo e poi si può procedere con la sterilizzazione! Funziona anche senza “allargarlo” ma credo abbia meno effetto.Ripeto, credo che tutti, dopo il Covid-19, debbano avere uno sterilizzatore UV in casa o portatile! Non si scherza di questi periodi e questo credo sia un’ottima scelta.Consigliatissimo!La batteria per ora regge ancora, l’ho caricato oggi (in circa un’ora, era arrivato già mezzo carico) e l’ho utilizzato almeno su 10 cose diverse e non ha dato segno di cedimento.Ultima cosa che mi viene da ridire: non ha i led che indicano la carica residua! Praticamente non saprete quanta carica c’é fino a che non si scarica. Per il resto é ottimo davvero, soprattutto i materiali.Consigliatissimo a tutti e per tutto! Spedizione velocissima, arrivato in 24h.
KaHa –
Dieser Sanitizer hat die perfekte Größe um mitgenommen zu werden.Um das Smartphone zu reinigen muss nur der Reißverschluss geöffnet werden, das Hand eingelegt werden, der Magnet (ist am Reißverschluss angebracht) aufgelegt werden und los geht’s!Während der Desinfektion leuchtet ein blaues Licht, welches auch das Ende des Reinigungsvorgangs signalisiert.Insgesamt dauert der Vorgang 30 Sekunden.+ Die Anwendung ist also schon mal super einfachDas Case wirkt sehr hochwertig. Der Reißverschluss lässt sich problemlos öffnen und schließen+ gute Verarbeitung und QualitätDas Einzige, was mich generell bei diesen Produkten stutzen lässt ist, dass ich nicht nachvollziehen kann ob es funktioniert oder nicht. Ich sehe zwar das leuchten des Lichtes, jedoch kann ich nicht nachvollziehen ob mein Smartphone nun tatsächlich frei von Viren und Bakterien ist oder nicht…Da der Hersteller absolut nichts dafür kann und ich auch keine Ahnung hätte auf welche Art und Weise ich nachvollziehen möchte, dass mein Handy nun wirklich keimfrei ist, sehe ich keinen Grund warum ich in meiner Bewertung einen Stern abziehen sollte.Ich denke da muss man einfach etwas in die Technik vertrauen…
Woodsman –
Easy to use,quality good,size good for our phones.